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COVID-19 Internal Response Team’s Frequently Asked Questions For Families

Posted 03/18/20

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Who should I contact with my questions and concerns due to the Coronavirus?

Please contact the ATS COVID-19 Internal Response Team at

Who should I contact with my questions about my current services or to talk about putting services on hold?

Please contact your BC/BCBA directly and they can assist you in performing a risk/benefit analysis of our medically necessary services. 

Will ATS remain open during the Coronavirus pandemic?

At this time, ATS plans to continue services with our families across all of the states that we currently serve. ABA therapy is a medically necessary service, so we will be doing our best to provide continuous services with limited disruptions to both staff and our families.

But the schools are closed. Shouldn’t ATS close too?

Unlike school, ABA is a prescribed service and is considered medically necessary. A more accurate comparison would be ABA therapy and doctor’s offices or other therapies offered in a center or clinic.

What precautions is ATS taking to help limit the spread of COVID-19?

If a staff member, client or a member of the client’s household has any of the following symptoms, sessions will be cancelled and will not resume until that individual has been quarantined for 14 days or can provide a doctor’s note stating they are safe to resume services: fever (100.4 or higher), coughing or shortness of breath.

If a staff member, client or a member of the client’s household has traveled to a high-risk country they must be quarantined for 14 days before services can resume.

If a staff member, client or member of the client’s household has come into contact with someone that has tested positive for COVID-19, they must be quarantined for 14 days before services can resume.

Each staff and consumer will wash their hands immediately upon entering a client’s home/beginning a session.

Families will provide a designated room/space for ABA therapy sessions to be held that has been cleaned and sanitized before each session.

Families will attempt to limit social interactions when possible by preventing individuals who are not a medically necessary part of the therapy session from accessing the therapy area (i.e. siblings). 

Staff will disinfect toys and materials that are brought into the home before each session as appropriate.

When appropriate, staff will limit physical contact with others. Examples include limiting handshakes, high-fives, tickles and targets that include touching one’s face or other body parts. 

Community outings should be put on hold during sessions until further notice unless approved by the BC/BCBA on a case-by-case basis.

Telehealth services, when appropriate and approved, should be utilized to minimize exposure.

Any case with multiple BT/RBTs will be rearranged so each client only has 1 BT/RBT on their case.

Is ATS providing supplies such as hand sanitizer and wipes to staff?

ATS is doing our very best to provide all staff with supplies, however, there have been significant barriers in ordering these supplies. We are exploring our options through the government due to our status as a medical provider. Staff have been encouraged to wash toys and materials with soap and water in the meantime as well as limit which materials go in and out of the home.

If I decide to put my child’s services on hold, will I get the same staff when services resume?

We, of course, don’t want to disrupt services longer than needed due to staff changes. Our current policy in our “ATS Consumer and Family Handbook” states, “If a family is gone for longer than two consecutive weeks, ATS CANNOT guarantee the same BT/RBT upon returning. A new BT/RBT CAN be reassigned.” Given the unprecedented circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, ATS is doing our best to support staff and families to ensure consistency for everyone, however, we cannot guarantee that your staff will remain the same if services are suspended for two weeks or longer.

Are you offering any other supports for families at this time?

Yes! The Family Support and Community Engagement Team is gathering resources, offering topical and interactive Facebook lives and virtual support on our private group, and are available for phone calls or video chats in an effort to help you structure your child’s day, offer new ideas, and to help you feel less alone as we are all feeling isolated as we “distance ourselves” from others. Oftentimes for a family impacted by autism, life can seem isolating enough without adding in a global pandemic. Our Director and two of our Specialists are mothers of loved ones with autism themselves, so they can relate to what you might be feeling and know how important it is to make sure your family has what they need to cope and push forward. Remember, remote parent training (telehealth) is also available at this time with your BC/BCBA. They can help your family with creating a daily schedule, implementing behavioral strategies, working on goals, and more.

We will continue to update the community as more information becomes available.

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