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A Message From Our Founder: A Shout Out For Our Families - We See You

Posted 04/09/20

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Dear ATS Friends, Families and Communities,

Today, I would like to give a SHOUT OUT to all of the parents, grandparents, and caregivers that are doing and achieving great things for their loved ones right now. Our team at ATS frequently does a “shout out” when a team member goes above and beyond to support a family, demonstrates our mission, or changes a life in a remarkable way. 

Over the last week, I have had more team members than you could imagine reach out and say “I wish we could do a public shout out for…” referencing moms, dads, siblings, grandparents, great-grandparents, and caregivers supporting a child or adolescent they serve.

It may be that they are creating outdoor sensory tables, new visual supports, assisting with the delivery of speech therapy, occupational therapy, and/or ABA via telehealth. 

Maybe they are frequently sanitizing the area that their child is receiving therapy in, and making conscious and constant choices to minimize all risks during this pandemic.

It may be sharing resources with other parents and caregivers just like them. 

Some of them are sharing the words of their own child with autism with the world to inspire others about the beauty that lies ahead as younger children continue to evolve into an even greater version of who they are - their truest selves.

We also want to acknowledge those that recognize their own limitations and make every attempt to minimize the impact to their children but take some time to cry it out in the bathroom. 

These times are unprecedented and unpredictable.

It's no secret that most individuals with autism thrive on routine and knowing what to expect. Of course, here we are in a time period in which most days lack predictability. We are struggling as a nation and want to know when we can resume some sense of normalcy. Many are unemployed, and others selflessly work as essential employees while facing new challenges and fears just to go to leave their homes. 

Yet somehow, you all are finding ways to make this new reality work. 

Know that you are seen, know that you are appreciated, know that you are admired. 

Don't forget that you are inspiring others with your efforts and your perseverance, even if you feel like you are falling apart. Please never lose focus of the fact that no one could be doing a better job than you are right now in these moments. That of course doesn't mean you need to have it together all the time. 

The fact is that no one does. 

We each have our moments of vulnerability and self-doubt wondering if we could do better. If there is anything “normal” about these times, it is exactly that! 

Remember that there is a community surrounding you that recognizes the strength that it takes to get through each day. At ATS, we see asking for help as a sign of courage, and are honored to be part of your support system.  

Today, we shout out our appreciation and admiration to each and every one of you!  

Our mission is that Achieving True Self is passionately cultivating and inspiring growth through the delivery of evidence-based treatment to assist individuals, families, organizations and their surrounding communities to achieve their self-defined goals. Through a supportive organizational culture focused on developing and retaining team members, we are determined to change the world by instilling hope and helping each person whose life we touch achieve their truest self.

We call our staff who live and breathe our mission each day our “mission warriors.” 

You all are changing not just the lives of your loved ones, but you too are changing the world by instilling hope and helping each person whose life you touch achieve their truest self.

Today, we recognize YOU as our mission warriors. 

We see you - all of you.


Rick J. Murray
President/CEO and Founder of Achieving True Self
Proud uncle to two nephews on the autism spectrum

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