NEW! Family Support and Social Engagement Group
Who: Parents, Caregivers, Siblings, Family Members
and Individuals Living with Autism
When: March 26, 2019 from 5:30pm-7pm
Where: 39 E. Franklin Street, Hagerstown, MD 21740
Join us for conversation, connection and camaraderie!
ATS is proud to offer support forums for family members to gather support and learn from one another’s experiences, while concurrently providing social engagement groups for children and teens to encourage communication and social skill development.
RSVPs are preferred (but not required) to enable us to plan for light refreshments as well as staffing and activities for social group participants.
RSVP to Catherine Hughes:
1-866-287-2036 x101 or
This group is open to the community and is not limited to families receiving services from Achieving True Self.